§ Petitions presented. By Lords ROLLS, REDESDALE, ASHBURTON, the Bishop of LONDON, the Duke of WELLINGTON, and other Noble LORDS, from the Isle of Thanet, Sarum, Sittingbourne, and other places, against, and by Viscount MELBOURNE, Lords HATHERTON, BROUGHAM, and other Noble LORDS, from Haddington, and various other places, for, the Abolition of Church-rates.—By Lord SKELMERSDALE, from the Medical Profession of Bolton-le-Moor, for an Alteration of Poor-laws Amendment Act, with respect to the Remuneration to Medical Men.
The Earl of Shaftesbury, in the absence of the Lord Chancellor, took the Woolsack at a quarter before five o'clock.
Mr. Bernal, and others from the Commons, brought up the Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Bill, the Mutiny Bill, the Marine Mutiny Bill, the Penitentiary (Millbank) Bill, and the Edinburgh Police Bill.
Mr. G. F. Young, and others, from the Commons, brought up a message, requesting their Lordships to permit Lord Ellen-borough and Lord Glenelg to be examined before a Select Committee of the House of Commons, appointed to inquire into the claims for compensation of Captains Glasspoole, Newall, and Barrow, late in the East India Company's maritime service.
§ On the motion of the Earl of Shaftesbury, leave was subsequently given.
§ Soon after five o'clock the Lord Chancellor took the Woolsack.