§ Bills. Read a first time:—Bastards' Wills (Scotland); Commissary Court Edinburgh.
§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of STRADBROKE, from the Guardians of the Poor, Ipswich, that Tenements of or under 10l. be liable to Parochial Rates and Burthens.—By the Duke of RICHMOND, from Brighton, in favour of the Sale of Bread Bill.—By the Earl of RODEN, from the Provincial Synod of Perth and Sterling, that the Annual Grant to Maynooth College may be withheld.—By the Earl of DERBY, from Liverpool, that the Civil Disabilities under which the Jews at present labour may be removed; and from the Parish of Whalley, in favour of Mr. BUCKING-HAM'S Claim to Compensation from the East-India Company.—By Lord DUNCANNON, from various Places, in favour of the Municipal Corporations' Act (Ireland).