The Earl of Roseberywished to call the attention of their Lordships for a few minutes to the present state of the law of Entails in Scotland, and he wished to ask whether any noble Lord intended to introduce a measure on the subject? When he intimated his intention formerly of not proceeding with a bill relative to this branch of the law, he expressed a hope that means might be found to remedy the defect, and that bills might be introduced more in accordance with the views and sentiments of those who did not approve of his measure. He was, however, sorry to state to their Lordships, that with reference to such a hope he had been altogether disappointed. He had not abandoned the question altogether; but whether he might he induced to bring in a bill to extend the powers now granted by the law of entail in Scotland, and to remove to a certain degree the restrictions which at present existed, would depend very much on the wishes of those who were immediately interested in the subject.