HL Deb 04 August 1836 vol 35 c901

The Marquess of Clanricarde moved the second reading of this Bill.

The Archbishop of Armagh

admitted that the present state of the law with respect to Roman Catholic marriages required amendment; but he had great objection to several provisions in this Bill. In his opinion it would tend very much to encourage clandestine marriages, and for that reason he should move that it be read a second time that day three months.

Lord Plunkett supported the Bill.

The Duke of Wellington

was surprised that the noble Marquess or the noble and learned Lord had not brought forward a general measure for the benefit of Ireland, by giving publicity to marriages, which should be applicable to all Ireland. He was quite sure that there was no one on that side of the House who would not hail such a measure with infinite satisfaction, and if the noble Lord or the noble Marquess would bring forward such a measure in the next Session of Parliament, he would give it his best consideration, and his support in carrying it into execution. He objected to this measure because it referred to only part of the subject, and, therefore, he should vote for the amendment of the most rev. Prelate.

Their Lordships divided on the original motion:—Contents 19; Not-Contents 39: Majority 20.

List of the CONTENTS.
The Lord Chancellor Leitrim
DUKES. Minto
Leinster Duncannon
Richmond Melbourne
MARQUESSES. Torrington
Clanricarde LORDS.
Headfort Holland
Lansdowne Lyttelton
Tavistock Plunkett
EARLS. Prudhoe

Bill put off for three months.