§ The Duke of Richmondsaid, that he had the other night given notice of his intention to propose to introduce a Bill to amend the Act recently passed for the Abolition of Oaths. He found that there were certain persons in the City who felt themselves aggrieved by the provisions of this Act, which abolished voluntary Oaths, and thus affected the affidavits made and sent out to some of our colonies to verify merchants' accounts transmitted there. As he found that that practice was not uniform, he 7 should not propose to allow it where it did not now exist, but to abolish it in other places; and he should, therefore, propose to re-appoint the Committee on the subject of Oaths, when he believed that they would recommend the Abolition of the Oaths to which he had alluded. He therefore moved that the Committee be re-appointed,
§ Agreed to.