§ Bills. Received the Royal Assent by Commission:—Milida Staff Reduction; Polls at Elections; Larceny Act Amendment (Ireland); Paymaster General; Prisons Regulation; and two Private Bills.—Read a second time:—Excise Acts' Amendment; Court of Exchequer; Excise Incorporation; Exchequer Bills.—Read a third time:—Turnpike Acts' Continuance.
§ Petitions presented. By Lord LYNDHURST, from Kingston-upon-Hull, against the Report of the Corporation Commissioners.—By Lord BROUGHAM, from Bishopsgate, in favour of the Municipal Corporations' Bill.—By Lord LYNDHURST, from Youghall, against the Irish Corporations' Bill.—By Lord KENYON, the Archbishop of CANTERBURY, and the Bishop of BATH and WELLS, from several Places, against the Church of Ireland Bill.