§ Bills. Read a second time:—Clerk of the Crown Duties on Wood Collection Insolvent Courts; Special Constables; Hereditary Revenues (Scotland).—Read a third time:—Highways.
§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of ABERDEEN, from three Places, against any Alteration in the Timber Duties.—By the Earl of WICKLOW, Lords SKELMERSDALE, DOWNES, and FARNHAM, and the Bishop of BATH and WELLS, from several Places,—against the Irish Church Bill;—and by the Earl of RADNOR, from Chorley, in favour of the same.—By Lord TEYNHAM, from Drumbo, against Tithes.—By Lord FARNHAM, from two Places, against the Tonnage Admeasurement Bill—By Lord AMHERST, from 870 Sevenoaks, against the Poor-Laws' Amendment Act.—By the Earl of MINTO, and Lords BROUGHAM, DUNCANNON, and GLENELG, from a Number of Places,—in favour of the Municipal Corporations' Bill.