HL Deb 10 April 1835 vol 27 cc992-3

On the Motion of The Duke of Wellington the Mutiny Bill was read a second time.

The noble Duke moved, that it be committed.

Lord Teynham

hoped that those who were soon likely to come into the Government would turn their earliest attention to a subject that had already been under discussion in the other House of Parliament—he meant the framing of a new code of military discipline, so as to prevent the necessity of corporal punishment. He trusted also that the law relating to the Militia would be altered, for when the Militia were called out they were subject to martial law, and he did not think it fit that this, the most constitutional force in the country, should be subjected to such punishments as were provided by the present military code. He had himself served in the Militia, and he knew the objections that prevailed there to the present system.

The Duke of Wellington

said, it was true that this subject had been under discussion in the other House of Parliament, but he had the satisfaction of knowing that there never had been any occasion till now when it was adverted to in their Lordships' House. He should not follow the noble Baron into a discussion of the present practice, but should merely observe that the subject was now under the consideration of a commission appointed by his Majesty, and it therefore appeared to him that the noble Baron had most unnecessarily adverted to it.

Lord Teynham

did not know why he was to receive a reprimand from the noble Duke for the observations he had made. He repeated that the Militia was the most constitutional force of the country, and that in the event of its being called on to act, it ought not to be subjected to the present military code.

The Bill was committed, and ordered to be read a third time to-morrow.

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