HL Deb 06 April 1835 vol 27 cc832-3
Lord Ward

rose and said: For the first time, and perhaps for the last, I now address your Lordships. I beg to know from his Majesty's Ministers whether they have advised an hon. Friend of mine, the member for Dudley, to present an address, from that place, to his Majesty, in favour of his Majesty's present Ministry? Am I to infer from the silence of the noble Lords opposite, that such is the case—that the hon. Member for Dudley has presented such an address to his Majesty? because, if he has, I feel myself called on to say that it is not founded in fact—that that address was got up at a hole-and-corner meeting—that it did not express the opinions of the people of the town of Dudley—that his Majesty has been deceived and cajoled by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the First Lord of the Treasury; and I think it high time that his Majesty's confidence should be disabused, and that he should be informed that such are not the sentiments of my hon. Friend's constituents.

The Duke of Wellington

I understand that the noble Lord has inquired if any Members of his Majesty's Government, in this House, have advised the presentation to his Majesty of an address from the town of Dudley, in favour of his Majesty's present Ministers. In reply, I beg to assure the noble Lord, that I have no knowledge whatsoever of any such address.

Subject dropped.