HL Deb 03 April 1835 vol 27 cc780-1
The Earl of Shaftesbury

rose, according to the notice he had given, to bring under their Lordships' notice a new rule, which he stated ought to be adopted, with regard to the manner of entering Judgments and ascertaining Costs on Appeals in this House. The noble Lord read the proposed order as follows:— Die Veneris, Aprilis 3, 1835. That in all cases in which the House shall make any order for payment of Costs by any party or parties in any Appeal or Writ of Error, without specifying the amount, the Clerk of the Parliaments, or Clerk Assistant, shall, upon the application of either party, proceed for the taxation of such Costs in such manner as is directed by an Act passed in the 7th and 8th year of the reign of his late Majesty King Geo. 4th. intituled 'An Act to establish a Taxation of Costs on Private Bills in the House of Lords,' and shall give a certificate thereof expressing the amount of such Costs: And it is further ordered, That the same fees shall be demanded from and paid by the party applying for such taxation, for and in respect thereof, as are now or shall be fixed by any resolution of this House concerning fees made or passed in pursuance of the said Act and in relation thereto; and the said Clerk of the Parliaments, or Clerk Assistant, may, if he think fit, either add or deduct the whole or a part of such fees at the foot of his certificate: and the amounts of money certified by him after such addition or deduction (if any) shall be the sum to be demanded and paid under, or by virtue of, such offer as aforesaid for payment of Costs. The noble Lord moved that it be adopted and made one of the Standing Orders.

Lord Brougham

said, that his noble Friend on the Woolsack and himself had judged the alteration introduced by this Order to be necessary. It would enable them at once to enter a judgment when delivered, instead of waiting till the next day, which was the old practice, and which had given rise to a mistake that happened in the course of last Session. The new Order would be a great improvement in the regularity of their proceedings.

Motion agreed to.