HL Deb 01 April 1835 vol 27 c539
Lord Plunkett

said, that he wished to call their Lordships' attention to what had passed yesterday with respect to some supposed observations of his cited to their Lordships by a right reverend Prelate on the subject of the appropriation of Church property. The right reverend Prelate had referred to an opinion of his delivered many years back relative to the appropriation, or misappropriation of Church property. He knew that he was irregular in calling their Lordships' attention to the subject—as irregular as the right reverend Prelate had been in alluding to his opinions in his absence, without having given him notice that such was the right reverend Prelate's intention. He had informed the right reverend Prelate, that he should refer to the subject, and expected to see the right reverend Prelate there; but as he was not in his place, it would be improper to make the matter the subject of observation in his absence, and he (Lord Plunket) should therefore bring it before their Lordships to-morrow. In the mean time he might be permitted to say, that so far as his opinion was supposed to be opposed to the right of the State to direct the appropriation of Church property, a very erroneous conception prevailed in the mind of the right reverend Prelate. His opinion was, that such appropriation might not only be justified, but that it might actually be called for by the circumstances of the time being.

Subject dropped.

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