§ MINUTES.] Bills. Read a second time:—Navy Pay; Friendly Societies.
§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of ELDON, the Bishops of LICHFIELD, and BATH and WELLS, from several Places,—against the Admission of Dissenters to the Universities.—By the Duke of RICHCHMOND, the Earl of HAREWOOD, Lord SUFFIELD, and the Bishop of BATH and WELLS, from several Places,—for the Amendment of the Sale of Beer Act.—By the Duke of SUTHERLAND, from several Dissenting Congregations, for Relief to the Dissenters.—By the Earl of ELDON, from Inston, for amending the Tithe Laws.—By the Duke of HAMILTON, the Earl of CAMPER-DOWN, and Lord KINNOULL, from several Places,—for a Better System of Church Patronage in Scotland.—By the Earl of CAMPERDOWN, from the Handloom Weavers of several Places, for Relief, and a Board of Trade.—By the Marquess of LONDONDERRY, the Earl of ELDON, Viscount STRANGEORD, and the Bishops of LONDON, LICHFIELD, and BATH and WELLS, from several Places,—for Protection to the Established Church.—By the Duke of HAMILTON and Earl GREY, from several Places, against altering the Present System of Church Patronage in Scotland.—By the Marquess of BREADALBANE, from several Places, for a Reform of the Established Church.—By the Duke of HAMILTON, from Gulston, against Drunkenness.—By the Marquess of BUTE, from the Directors of the London and Westminster Bank, to be heard by Counsel in favour of the Bill concerning them.—By the Marquess of BREADALBANE, and the Bishops of LONDON, LICHFIELD, and BATH and WELLS, from several Places—for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By the Duke of GLOUCESTER, and the Bishops of LICHFIELD, from several Places,—against the Claims of the Dissenters.