HL Deb 27 May 1834 vol 23 c1350

Petitions presented. By the Duke of HAMILTON, from Perth, against the Abjuration Oath; also against the Exclusive Privileges of Corporations; also for an Alteration in the Bankrupt Law (Scotland).—By the Earl of CAMPERDOWN, from Callender, against the present System of Church Patronage in Scotland.—By the Marquess of LANSDOWN, the Earl of WINCHILSEA, and Lord BEXLEY, from several Places,—for Protection to the Established Church.—By the Earl of DURHAM, from East Kent, against Tithes.—By Lord SUFFIELD and Earl FITZWILLIAM, from South Erpingham, and the Metropolis,—against the Corn Laws.—By the Duke of GLOUCESTER and Lord BEXLEY,—from several Places,—against the Claims of the Dissenters.—By the Dukes of GLOUCESTER and WELLINGTON, the Marquess of LONDONDERRY, Lord BEXLEY, and the Bishop of LICHFIELD, from several Places,—against the Admission of Dissenters to the Universities.—By Lord LYTTLETON, from Yardley, for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day.