The Lord Chancellorpresented a Petition from the city of Aberdeen, signed by 2,500 persons, containing the same prayer as that which he had recently presented, signed by 48,000 persons, from Glasgow, for the re- 1103 lief of the Dissenters from the grievances under which they at present labour. The noble and learned Lord said, that having on the occasion of presenting the petition from Glasgow, gone at some length into the subject, it would not be necessary for him to trouble their Lordships with more than a few observations at present. He was of opinion, that all the grievances of the Dissenters ought to be redressed, and that all the burthens and disabilities under which they laboured ought to be done away with; and that every facility should be given to them respecting marriages, burials, and registration. It afforded him the greatest satisfaction to know that an hon. relative of his in the other House of Parliament, who filled a high office in the Court of Chancery, had brought in a Bill for the purpose of establishing a general registry of births, marriages, and burials, which would be equally beneficial to Churchmen and Dissenters; indeed he would say, that it would be more beneficial to Churchmen than even to Dissenters. At all events, however, it would remove one of the justly complained of grievances of the Dissenters at present,—their not having a legalized registry of their births and marriages. He was happy to find, that the Bill in question had received the support of his Majesty's Government in the House of Commons; and he trusted, that a long period would not elapse when they would have an opportunity of discussing the merits of the measure in that House, to which occasion he would reserve his observations upon it.
§ Petition laid upon the Table.