§ Read a third time:—Warwick Witnesses Indemnity.—Read a second time:—Conveyance of Fish Amendment; Law of Escheats.
§ Petitions presented. By the Duke of BUCCLEUGH, from the Schoolmasters of Tedburgh, for an increased Stipend.——By the Earl of DURHAM, from several Dissenting Congregations, for Relief.—By Earl FITZWILLIAM, from Auchtermuchty, for the Repeal of the Statute by which Bishops sit in the Upper House; from Cupar and two other Places, for the Repeal of the Corn Laws.—By Lord FEVERSHAM, from Selby, against any Alteration in the Corn Laws, and for a Commutation of Tithes.—By Lord SUFFIELD), from two Places, for Relief to the Agricultural Interest; from Eynesford, for the Repeal of the Malt Tax; from several Places, against exempting Persons from making the Subscriptions which are now required on Admission to Universities.—By the Earl of ROSEBERY, from the Commissioners of Supply of Renfrewshire, in favour of the Future Entails; and Entails Relief (Scotland) Bill.—By the Archbishop of CANTERBURY, from the Presbytery of Aberdeen, for Protection to Church and State.