§ Bills. Read a third time:—Roman Catholic Marriages.
§ Petitions presented. By Lord SALTOUN, from Rayhe, against any Alteration in the present System of Church Patronage in Scotland; from three Places, for Protection to the Church of Scotland.—By Lord SUFFIELD, from the Society of Friends, against Tithes and all other Ecclesiastical Imposts.—By the Duke of BEAUFORT, from Compton Martin, for Protection to the Established Church; 520 and against the Separation of Church and State; from Nailsa, for an Alteration in the Sale of Beer Act; from Master Chimney Sweepers of Bristol, and from Liverpool, against the Chimney Sweepers' Regulation Bill. —By the LORD CHANCELLOR, from Hammersmith and Fulham, against the Hammersmith Vicarage Bill.