§ Bills. The Royal Assent was given by Commission to the House Duty Repeal; Equitable Apportionments; and forty-seven private Bills.—Bills brought in:— Valuation of Counties; Capital Punishments.—Read a third time:—Ministers of Churches (Scotland).
§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of ELDON, Lords CAWDOR, ROLLE, and another NOBLE LORD, from a Number of Places, for Protection to the Established Church, and against the Claims of the Dissenters.—By Lord CAWDOR, and another NOBLE LORD, from several Places,—against the Admission of the Dissenters to the Universities.—By the Duke of SUTHERLAND, from the Staffordshire Coal 435 Mine Proprietors, for Exempting such Property from Poor Rates.—By Viscount LORTON, from the Clergy of Ireland, for Relief.—By the Earl of ROSEBERY, from Gargannock, for Protection to the Church of Scotland.— By the Marquess of LANSDOWN, from Calcutta, for the Extension of Trial by Jury to Civil Cases; from British and Native Indians of Calcutta, to enable them to hold and transmit to their Heirs Real Property.—By a NOBLE LORD, from several Places, against the Separation of Church and State.—By the Earl of HADDINGTON, from Kincardine, for a Clause in the Ministers of Churches' Bill.