§ Bill. Warwick Borough. A further examination of Witnesses took place on this Bill, the second reading of which was again postponed.
§ Petitions presented. By the Marquess of LANSDOWN, from British Residents at Calcutta, for a Law protecting Tithes.—By the same, from Citizens of London, in favour of and by a NOBLE LORD, from Leeds, against the Poor-Law Amendment Bill.—By the Earl of MULGRAVE, from Okehampton, for Relief to the Dissenters.—By the Earl of MANSFIELD, from Logie, for Protection to the Church of Scotland.—By the Bishop of EXETER, from Exeter, against the Universities' Admission Bill.—By the Duke of GLOUCESTER, the Marquess of CLANRICARDE, Lords WYNFORD and BEXLEY, and the Bishops of EXETER and GLOUCESTER, from a Number of Places,—for Protection to the Church of England, against the Separation of Church and State, and against the Claims of the Dissenters.—By the Earl of HAREWOOD, from Ardwick-le-Street, for the Repeal or Alteration of the Sale of Beer Act.