§ Earl Grey rose to postpone until to-morrow the Order of the Day for taking into consideration the Report of the Irish Coercion Bill.
The Duke of Buckinghamexpressed his surprise at the postponement without any reason having been assigned for taking such a course. It must be in the recollection of their Lordships, that the day had very nearly arrived when the Bill now in existence would expire. They had been told of the absolute necessity for the renewal of that Bill as soon as possible, and now a delay was requested. It had been rumoured that doubts at one time had arisen as to the necessity which existed for passing this Bill; but it had since been collected from other sources, that the necessity was admitted still to exist. A delay of even twenty-four hours was important with reference to a measure which was stated to be indispensable for the preservation of the security, safety, and peace of the country. He was surprised, that the noble Earl had offered no explanation on the subject, and he felt that the noble Earl was bound, under the circumstances of the case, to state some reason for his very extraordinary request.
§ Earl Greysaid, that if, by the delay of twenty-four hours, the safety of the country was likely to be affected, that certainly would be a sufficient reason to justify the noble Duke in calling for an explanation. The short way, however, to meet that point was, to state his conviction that the delay called for could have no such effect. He did not think it possible, that the noble Duke could conceive that he would, at this period, ask even for a day's postponement of the measure, without having sufficient reasons for doing so. Those reasons, however, he must decline stating 1292 at that moment. But, in moving for the discharge of the Order of the Day, he would state, that he was as strongly impressed as he ever was with respect to the necessity of passing this measure in its present form, with all its provisions and all its powers. He hoped, therefore, that their Lordships would extend to him that indulgence which he required, and postpone the consideration of the Report until to-morrow.
The Duke of Buckinghamsaid, if the noble Earl would state what the reason was which rendered this delay necessary, he should have no objection to it. The noble Earl had declared the absolute necessity of the measure yesterday, and he should like to know what was his reason for putting it off to-day.
§ The Motion was agreed to.
§ The Poor-laws' Amendment Bill was also, on the Motion of Earl Grey, postponed.