HL Deb 31 May 1833 vol 18 c166

Bills. Read a second time:—Dramatic Authors; and Soap Duties.

Petitions presented. By the Marquess of LANSDOWN, from Wiltshire; and by Lord LYNDHURST, from several Places, against the 19th Clause of the Local Jurisdiction Bill.—By Lord POLTIMORE, from Halwell, for the Amendment of the Laws relative to Highways.—By the Marquess of WESTMINSTER, from a Wesleyan Congregation at Lynn, to Exempt all Places of Religious Worship from the Payment of Rates.—By the Bishop of CARLISLE, from his Diocese, against the Irish Church Reform Bill.—By the Archbishop of YORK, from Nottingham, for the Better Observance of the Lord's Day; and by the same, and the Manquess of WESTMINSTER, from a Number of Places, against Slavery.—By Lord SEGRAVE, from Slim-bridge; and by the Bishop of BATH and WELLS, from Northwich, against the Sale of Beer Act.—By the Earl of SEFTON, from several Places, for an Alteration in the Law relating to Catholic Marriages.—By the Earl of ABERDEEN, from the Medical Practitioners of Kingston-upon-Hull; and by the LORD CHANCELLOR, from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, for an Alteration in the Apothecaries Act.—By the LORD CHANCELLOR, from two Places, for a Better Observance of the Lord's Day; from the Jews of Portsmouth, for a Removal of their Civil Disabilities; from Harrowgate, against the Assessed Taxes; from a Unitarian Congregation of Sal-ford, for Improvements in Education; from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for the Revision of Petty Courts.

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