§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of the Earl of HARROWBY, a Return of the Benefices, which from being small, might in the Opinion of the Bishops be united to some contiguous Benefices.—On the Motion of Earl FITZ-WILLIAM, Returns relating to the Importation of Wheat under the 9th George 4th, cap. 60.
§ Petitions presented. By Lords WESTERN and LYNEDOCH, from a Number of Places,—against Slavery.—By Lord DACRE, from Veryan, against Tithes.—By Lords SUFFIELD and WESTERN, and the Bishops of LONDON, St. ABAPH, and DURHAM, from several Places,—for a Better Observance of the Sabbath.—By the Earl of ROOEN, from Carrickfergus and two other Places, and by the Earl of WICK LOW, from Wicklow,—against the Irish Church Bill.—By the Earl of MORLEY, from Devonport, in favour of the Factories Regulation Bill.