HL Deb 08 March 1833 vol 16 c391

Petitions presented. By Lord KING, from St. Mary-le-Strand, against the House and Window Taxes.—By the Duke of RICHMOND, from a Parish in Haddingtonshire; from Horsham, and Hertsmonceaux; by the Earl of ALBEMARLE, from Stoncy Stratford; and by the Karl of ROSEBERY, from Dalkeith,—for the Abolition of Slavery.—By the Duke of RICHMOND, from Horsham, for a Revision of the Criminal Law.—By the Earl of SHREWS BURY, from numerous Parishes in Ireland, for Extending the English Jury Bill to that Country; for Vote by Ballot; against Tithes; for a Repical of the Union; against Vestry Rates; for a Domestic Legislature to Ireland; and against Coercive Measures.—By Earl GREY, from Bantry, against Coercive; Measures, and for an Inquiry into the state of Ireland.—By the Bishop of LONDON, from two Metropolitan Parishes, for a Measure to Regulate the Hours for Empleying Children in Factories.—By the Duke of RICH MOND, Earl REAUCUAMP, Lord BEXLEY, the Bishop of WORCESTER, the Manquess of CHOLMONDRELEY, the Bishop of LONDON', the Earl of RODEN, Lord LILFORD, the Earl of HARROWBY, Earl GREY, and the Bishop of DURHAM, from a threat many Places in England and Scot-land,—for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.