§ Papers ordered. On the Motion of the Marquess of LONDONDERRY, an Account of the total Expenditure in the Department of Foreign Affairs, from 5th January, 1827 to 5th June, 1833 specifying the Expense of each year: Account of Sums issued since 5th January, 1833 to 5th June, 1833, for Secret Service in the Foreign office Admiralty, and Colonial Department: Account of tile total Expenditure of the Extraordinary Embassy of the Earl of DURHAM to St. Petersburgh in 1832: a similar Account of the Duke of WELLINGTON in 1826 Account of the total Expenditure of the Extraordinary Embassy of Sir Stratford Canning to Madrid.
§ Bills, The Royal Assent was given by commission to the following Bills:—Exchequer; National Debt; Serjeants' Inn Agreement, and several private Bills.
§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of RODEN, from the Synod of Ulster, &c., against the Ministerial System of Education in Ireland.—By Lord GODOLTHIN from the Dissenters of Wisbeach, fur Relief with regard to Marriages, Registration, 303 and Church Rates.—By the Earl of ABINGDON, from several Places; and by Lord HAMILTON, from Kilbachan,—for the Better Observance of the Sabbath.