§ Paper ordered. On the Motion of the LORD CHANCELLOR, the Number of Offices in the Court of Chancery, which have been Abolished during the years 1831, 1831, and 1835.
§ Bills The Royal Consent was given by Commission to the following Bills:—Customs' Acts' Repeal; Customs' Management; Customs' Regulation: Smuggling; Navigation; Registry of Vessels; Customs' Duties; Warehousing; Customs Bounties; British Possessions; Isle of Man Trade; Disembodied Militia; East-India Company's Charter; China Trade Slavery Abolition; Slave Trade Conventions; Buckingham Palace Furniture; Stage Carriages Act Amendment; Spirite, Wine, and Beer Licenses (Ireland); Grand Juries (Ireland); Cholera Prevention; Juries (Ireland); Quakers' Affirmation; Separatists' Affirmation; Chancery Offices Regulation; Bankruptcy Judges; Commissioners of Lunacy; Uniformity of Process; Fines and Recoveries; Notaries Public; Bank Notes; Stamp Duties; Composition; Court of Chancery; Civil List Charges; Sugar Refining; Assizes Removal; Parish Apprenticeship; Metropolitan Police; Land-Tax Commissioners' Names; Merchant Seamen's Wages; Infirmaries (Ireland); Trial of Offences (Ireland); Land Revenue (Scotland); Burghs Magistrates (Scotland); Royal Burghs (Scotland); Turnpike Road Accounts; Lighting and Watching; Inclosure Acts Awards; London Scavage and Package; Thames Tunnel; Woolwich Lands.—Read a third time:—Tithes Arrear (Ireland); Consolidated Fund; Edinburgh Community; Estates; Church Building; Stamps Forgeries.
§ Petitions presented. By the LORD CHANCELLOR. Lord AUCKLAND, and Lord WESTERN, from a great Number of Places to be relieved from Tithes Suits.—By the LORD CHANCELLOR, from thirty-four Places in Scotland, for an Alteration in the System of Lay Patronage; also from several Places, in favour of the Local Jurisdiction Bill; from Brechin, for the Establishment of Local Schools; from the Ward of Vintry, London, for the Repeal of the House and Window Tax; from the Protestant Dissenters of Swanage, for Relief; from several Places, for the Removal of the Civil Disabilities of the Jews; from Wakefield, &c., against the Scotch and Irish Vagrant Bill; from the Scnatus Academicus of Edinburgh, against the Apothe- caries Act; from Glasgow, to Extend the Sheriff's Jurisdiction to Bankruptcy; three Petitions from Cupar, for different Legal Objects; and from Kingley, in favour of the Factories' Regulation Bill.