HL Deb 19 August 1833 vol 20 c750

MINUTES. Bills. Read a second time:—Assizes Removalp Land Revenue (Scotland); Factories' Regulation; China Trade; Spirit and Wine Licences (Ireland).—Read a thir; time:—Lunacy Commission; Fines and Recoveries.

Petitions presented. By the Marquess of LANSDOWN, from the Prisoners confined for Debt in the King's Bench Prison, to be allowed to reside within the Rides; from Pennselwood, for the Abolition of Tithes.—By the Duke of CUM-BERLAND, from Bowling, and five other Places, in favour of the Factories' Regulation Bill,—By Lord SUFFIELD, from King's County, and by the Karl of GOSFORD, from Maryborough, in favour of the Separatists Affirmation Bill.—By Lord WYNFORD, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, against the Notaries Public Bill.—By Lord MELBOURNE, from Christ Church, Surrey, for au Alteration in the Parish Vestries Act Amendment.