§ Petitions presented. By Lord KING, from the Parish of Stoke Damarel, Devon, for an alteration of the Law relative to the purchase of Lands for Burial Grounds, from the Landholders of Drumconrath, Ardagh, Zouchbracan and Rower, for the Abolition of Tithes and Church Cess:—By the Earl of RADNOR, from Gormanstown, for the Abolition of Tithes:—By the Bishop of EXETER, from Dorkington, against the New Irish Education System:—By the Earl of ERROL, from Freeholders of the County of Aberdeen, in favour of the Reform Bill:—By the Earl of RODEN, from Sherborne, Market Raisin, Brigg, Barton, Castor, Kirtin, and Winterton, against the New System of Education in Ireland:—By the Archbishop of CANTERBURY, from Canterbury and its vicinity, against Overworking of Children in Factories.