HL Deb 13 March 1832 vol 11 c125
Lord Cloncurry

took that opportunity to say, that a speech made by a noble Peer (Earl Wicklow), on a former night, had given great pain to a respectable Magistrate in Ireland, who was charged by the noble Earl with having told the peasantry to resist the payment of tithes. The gentleman in question denied that he had done any thing of the sort, and alleged that the whole story was destitute of the slightest foundation.

The Earl of Wicklow

said, he had made no charge against any individual. The charge he made was against the Government, and if any member of the Government should venture to contradict that statement, he was prepared to support it.

Lord Plunkett

said, that, certainly, the noble Earl (The Earl of Wicklow) when he made his statement, had made no reference to any particular person or place, nor did he even mention the name of any part of Ireland. Still, what had fallen from the noble Earl rendered it proper that he should make a short statement on the subject. When he heard of the matter in question, he thought it right to institute an inquiry, but first he caused the statement to be verified by oath. When, however, the Gentleman came to make his defence, he proved, by no less than six affidavits, that he was entirely guiltless of what was unfairly imputed to him.

The Earl of Wicklow

said, that the contradiction of the noble and learned Lord did not apply to the charge which he had brought forward.

Lord Holland

said, he must call the noble Earl to order. There was no question before the House.

Subject dropped.

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