§ MINUTES.] Papers ordered. On the Motion of the Bishop of EXETER, a Copy of the Regulations or Conditions on which the Board of Education in Ireland grants its aid to Schools.—On the Motion of Lord BEXLEY, an Account of all the Sums granted by the New Board of Education (Ireland).
§ Bills. Read a third time:—Kings County Assizes; Contempts in Equity.
§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of RADNOR, from Kilcoman and Robin, for an equal and efficient Reform for Ireland; and from the same Places, in favour of the Ministerial Plan of Education (Ireland); and by the Earl of RODEN, from Arva, and two other Places, against that Plan.—By the Earl of RADNOR, from Kilbrogan and Ballymordan;—by Lord KING, from five Places in Ireland;—and by the Duke of LEINSTER, from Kilcock and Cloncurry,—against Tithes.—By the Earl of RODEN, from Longford,—for a Repeal of the Roman Catholic Relief Act.