§ The following Protest against this Bill was entered upon the Journals by the Earl of Aberdeen:—
§ "Dissentient,
§ "1st.—Because admitting that the payment made by his Majesty's Government, subsequently to the possession and sovereignty of the Belgic provinces having passed away and been severed from the dominions of his Majesty the King of the Netherlands, might have been justified by a liberal construction of the treaty, and by the circumstances under which the separation was effected, we are of opinion, that such payment was not warranted by the Act of the 54th of Geo. 3rd, cap. 115, and was consequently illegal; and we think that the proposal of any 928 legislative measure to authorize future payments ought to have been preceded by the introduction of the Bill of Indemnity for such a violation of the law.
§ "2nd.—Because we cannot but regard the Convention entered into by his Majesty and the Emperor of Russia, on the 16th of November, 1831, and the principles on which that Convention is founded, as forming part of a new system of policy by which the relations of Great Britain with Holland and Belgium are hereafter to be regulated; and we think it premature and unfair to call upon the House for a vote, which by implication, may be construed to sanction the adoption of a system not yet explained to us, and to approve the course of a negotiation not yet terminated; more especially, as we are still ignorant in what degree the independence and essential interests of one of the most intimate and valued Allies of this country may be affected by the result.
§ "GORDON (Aberdeen)