HL Deb 03 February 1832 vol 9 c1226

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Viscount STRANGFORD, of the number and Tonnage of American and British Ships entered inwards in the Port of Liverpool from the United States of America, from the 1st of January, 1831, to the 1st of January, 1832, and the number and Tonnage of all Foreign Ships laden wholly or in part with Timber or Deals from Norway to London, from 1st January, 1831, to 1st January, 1832:—On the Motion of Lord AUCKLAND, the number of Vessels, with the amount of their Tonnage, built and registered in the several Ports of the British Empire, in each year, from 1814 to 1831, both inclusive; the number of Vessels, with the amount of their Tonnage, and the number of Men and Boys usually employed in navigating the same, that belonged to the several Ports of the British Empire, in each year, from 1814 to 1831, both inclusive; the number of Vessels, with the amount of their Tonnage, and the number of Men and Boys employed in Navigating the same (including their repeated Voyages), that entered inwards, and cleared outwards, at the several Ports of the United Kingdom, from and to Foreign Parts in each year, from 1814 to 1831, both inclusive, distinguishing British from Foreign; and, also, of the number of Vessels, with the amount of their Tonnage, and the number of Men and Boys employed in Navigating the same (including their repeated Voyages), that entered inwards and cleared outwards, at the several Ports of Great Britain, from, and to all parts of the world, in each year, front 1814 to 1831, both inclusive; a like Return, exclusive of the Trade between Great Britain and Ireland; a comparative statement of tile British and Foreign Tonnage which have entered the several Ports of the United Kingdom, distinguishing the Countries from whence, from the year 1814 to 1831, both inclusive; of the Tonnage of Vessels employed in the Coasting Trade, entered at, or cleared out from, the Ports of the United Kingdom, from 1823 to 1831, both inclusive; of the number of Ships which passed the Sound, from the year 1814 to 1831, both inclusive; and also, for all Lead Ore, Pigged and Rolled Lead, Shot, Litharge, and Lead Paints, Exported and Imported, between January, 1831, and January, 1832, distinguishing the Countries and the amount of Duty.

Petitions Presented. By the Earl of RANDOR, from the Gentry, Clergy, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of the County of Roscommon, in favour of Reform. By the Marquis of LANSDOWN, from the Surgeons of Leeds, and from the Inhabitants in general of Leeds, signed by several thousand Persons for facilitating the Study of Anatomy:—By the Earl of SHEFFIELD, from the Landowners and Inhabitants of Shipley, and from the Rector and Inhabitants of Pulborough, Sussex, in favour of a Labour Rate.