§ Bills. Read a second time; Consolidated Fund Appropriation; Arms Continuation (Ireland.) Read a first time; Valuation of Lands and Military Accounts (Ireland.)
§ Petitions presented. By the Earl of SHAFTESBURY, from the Landowners, Merchants, Freeholders, and Freemen of Shruel; and by Lord CLONCURRY, from the Protestant Freemen of Galway residing at Barna, to extend the Galway Franchise to Catholics equally with Protestants:—By the Earl of SHAFTESBURY, from the Vestrymen of Marylebone against the Vestry Bill; and from the Directors of the Poor of St. James's, Westminster, praying to be heard by Counsel against it. By Lord CLONCURRY, from Inhabitants of Kildalkey to disband the Yeomanry of Ireland; and from the Tithe-payers of Lea, Queens County, for Inquiry into the Irish Tithe System. By Lord KING, from the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Petersfield, in favour of Reform.
§ A Committee was appointed to consider the Office of Clerk of Parliament.