HL Deb 24 March 1831 vol 3 c843

Petitions presented. In favour of Reform, by the Earl of KINNOUL, from the Provost and Magistrates of the Royal Burgh of Perth; also praying the Town of Perth might have the privilege of returning for itself a Member to Parliament; that Town being a very flourishing place, and containing 23,000 inhabitants:— By the Earl of ESSEX, from the County of Essex, from Kettering, and Havering-atte-Bower:—By Lord DURHAM, from the Inhabitants of Chester-le-street, Durham:—By Lord KING, from the non-resident Freemen of Dover, from Rochester, and four other places:—By Lord SUFFIELD, from Wells:—By the Earl of GLESOAIL, from Ballymoney. For a Revision of the Tithe System, by Lord CALTHORP, from South Molton:—By Lord SUFFIELD, from East and West Flegg. For the Abolition of Slavery, by the Bishop of BATH and WELLS, from South Moreton and Hagebourn:—By Lord CALTHORP, from Southwark, and several Congregations of Protestant Dissenters. By Lord DURHAM, from the Workmen of Glasgow, fox a Repeal of the Duty on Newspapers.

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