§ The Bishop of London moved the Committal of the Church Building Acts Amendment Bill, and the House resolved itself into the Committee accordingly.
§ When the Committee came to the discussion of the Clause by which private persons were allowed to erect and endow new churches in places where 300 inhabitants of the parish were at a distance of more than two miles from the parish church,
§ Lord Kenyan moved, that for two miles, four miles from any existing church or chapel, should be substituted,
§ The Bishop of London thought, that the Amendment would be unfavourable to the interests of the Church, and refused to agree to it. If the noble Baron persisted in his Amendment, he must divide the Committee on it.
§ The Committee divided on the Amendment: Contents 7; Not Contents 18—Majority against the Amendment 11.
§ Some other Amendments were agreed to, and the House resumed.