§ Bills. The Scotch Bankruptcy Laws' Continuation Bill, and the Settlement of the Poor's Bill, were brought up from the Commons, and read a first time.
§ Returns ordered. On the Motion of the Karl of WINCHILSHA, the amount of Monies raised by each Parish within the County of Kent, for Payment of Constables' Bills, from Michaelmas, 1827, to Michaelmas, 1830; distinguishing each year separately; and also, the amount of Monies raised in the County of Kent, for County Rate, from Michaelmas, 1827, to Michaelmas, 1830, distinguishing each year separately:—On the Motion of Lord TRYNHAM, an account of the quantity of Coculus Indicus, Quassia, and Extract of Quassia, imported into Great Britain during the year 1830, and the amount of Duty paid thereon.
§ Petitions presented. For Reform, by Lord DACRE, from Bishop Stortford:—By the Earl of RADNOR, from Bristol, Lincoln, and Malmesbury; and from the Butchers of Dublin, for a Repeal of the Union. By the Duke of DEVONSHIRE, from Waterford, for an Alteration in the Grants to the Kildare-street Society. By the Bishop of LONDON, from the Congregation of Tavistock Chapel, for the appointment of a day for a General Fast:—By Lord BEXLEY, from Southampton, to the same effect. Against Slavery, by the Earl of CAWDOR, the Bishop of LICHFIELD, Lord BEXLEY, and the Bishop of WINCHESTER, from various Congregations of Dissenters.