§ Lord Duncanin presenting Petitions from Dundee in favour of Parliamentary Reform, signed by 6,000 persons, being all the respectable inhabitants of the place, who, whatever might be their other differences of opinion, united in demanding Reform; from the three United Trades of Dundee; and from Blairgowrie; said, he would not trespass on their Lordships' time, as his Majesty's Ministers, he was happy to know, had given notice of a motion on this subject, which had given great satisfaction. The petitioners, he believed, generally, had great confidence in the Ministers, and, certainly, he was ready to express his own confidence in them. He had expressed an opinion before the recess, that the people of Scotland were not indifferent to Reform, and be would beg leave to read a short passage from one of the petitions, 195 which confirmed his opinion. His Lordship read, accordingly, a short passage, saying, that the petitioners had heard, with grief and indignation, that the people of Scotland were supposed to be indifferent to Reform: that they denied; they were generally most desirous of it. His Lordship also stated, that the people of Scotland had heard with pleasure, that the Ministers intended to extend their Reform measure to Scotland; and he must express his satisfaction that the enlightened people of that country, who would know so well how to use the elective franchise, were now to receive it.—Petitions laid on the Table.