§ The Duke of BUCKINGHAM, as Lord Steward, laid on the Table a Copy of his Majesty's Reply to the Address presented to him by the House of Lords.
§ On the Motion of Lord FARNRAM, a Message was sent to the Commons, requesting a Copy of the Report of the Committee which sat last Session, to inquire into the expediency of giving Poor-laws to Ireland.
§ Petitions presented. For the abolition of Slavery in the Colonies, by the Earl of CARLISLE, from a Parish in Cumberland;—By the Duke of RUTLAND, from a Parish in Cornwall:—By the Earl of LIMERICK, from certain Parishes in the County and City of Limerick:—By the Marquis of CLEVELAND, from a Parish in Durham:—By the Archbishop of CANTERBURY, from several places in Kent:—By Lord BEXLEY, from Shaftesbury, and Parishes in Essex:—By the Bishop of LONDON, from a Parish in his Diocese:—By Lord ARDEN, from certain Inhabitants of Surrey:—By Lord CAWDOR, from places in North Wales:—By the Marquis of LANSDOWN, from Redruth, Lyme Regis, Devises, Warminster, Truro, Whitby, a Congregation in Keppel-street, Russell-square, the Borough of Montrose, and sundry other places in the Shires of Dorset, Cornwall, Wilts, York, and Devon:—By the Bishop of GLOUCESTER, from several Parishes in Gloucester:—By the Duke of GLOUCESTER, from Wesleyan Methodists in Lincoln's-inn-fields. By Lord TEYNHAM, from Colonel Thornton, of Park-lane, praying for the abolition of the Oaths required of the King and Queen; and of the Declaration against Transubstantiation, which they are now required to make when all their subjects have been released from that obligation.