HL Deb 11 November 1830 vol 1 cc370-1

The Duke of Rutland presented a Petition from Scarborough against the Duty on Sea-borne Coals.

The Marquis of Londonderry

presented a similar Petition from the lessees, owners, and others connected with the Coal Mines in the vicinity of the Tyne. The petitioners prayed inquiry, and suggested the great benefits which might now be secured to this country if the duties were removed. It was numerously signed, and ought to have weight with the Government. Independent of the injustice of allowing coals to be transmitted by rail-roads free of duty, while the shipping interests were oppressed with a heavy impost, and the commerce of the country materially injured, the noble Marquis pressed on the attention of the House the propriety of endeavouring to secure the custom of those countries which had hitherto been supplied with coals from Belgium, and were now deprived, by the state of that part of the dominions of the king of the Netherlands, of their usual supply. He also alluded to the possibility of increasing the demand from Ireland; and although it was to be lamented that any diminution of the Revenue should take place at a time when the state of Europe rendered it probable that England would require an increase of her expenditure, still he thought the national benefits would be more than commensurate to the loss.

The noble Marquis presented a Petition from the Coal-owners of the county of Durham, to the same effect.

Lord Teynham

was in favour of the re- peal of the Duty on Coals. If that duty were repealed as it concerned Ireland, he was sure that the trade of that country would be increased.

Petitions laid on the Table.