HL Deb 28 May 1830 vol 24 cc1189-91
The Earl of Aberdeen

said, he had the honour of laying on their Lordships' Table the Supplemental Papers relating to Greece.

Lord Durham

rose to ask the noble Secretary of State for the Foreign Department, what was the date of the first Paper now submitted to Parliament, in reference to this subject? and also whether the Papers contained a Copy of the Memorial of the Greek Senate, transmitted to the noble Earl by his Royal Highness Prince Leopold?

The Earl of Aberdeen

replied, that the extreme anxiety shown by noble Lords opposite for the most ample information on this subject had induced him to lay on the Table all Papers that had passed between his Royal Highness Prince Leopold and himself, except such Letters marked "private," which his Royal Highness had done him the honour to address to him. In answer to the question put by the noble Lord, he begged to say that the first Paper now on the Table was a Letter of his dated January 31st, and the last was the memorial from the Greek Senate.

Lord Holland

wished to observe, not however with a view of raising any captious question, that he never recollected any similar Papers being presented in a printed form to the House. The first page of the copy was manuscript, but the remainder was printed.

The Earl of Aberdeen

said, that it was usual from his office, when Papers were presented by command of his Majesty, to have them presented in a printed form.

Earl Grey

remarked, that the practice had always been such as stated by his noble friend (Lord Holland). He never knew it otherwise.

The Earl of Aberdeen

observed, that the other course would certainly not cause so much delay in the delivery, for the printing took up considerable time. He knew not how long the practice had been to present Papers in a printed form; but he knew of late that such had been the course.

Lord Holland

said, that there was always a motion to have Papers printed when they were laid on the Table; and when they were printed, noble Lords used to receive copies as they entered the House. He repeated, that he never before knew of printed Papers being presented to the House.

The Earl of Aberdeen

said, that the practice had not been altered by him. He found the course he had pursued, in that and other cases, in existence in his office. But he would, if it were the pleasure of their Lordships, withdraw the present Papers, and present a copy in manuscript.

Lord Holland

said, that as far as he was concerned, he had no objection to the Papers being presented in their present form, and he had only mentioned it on account of its irregularity.

Earl Bathurst

observed, that the Papers he had presented to their Lordships had always been in manuscript.

The Earl of Harrowby

said, that it had certainly been customary sometimes to present printed Papers, and in that form they were most accessible and useful to their Lordships.

Lord Ellenborough

suggested that probably it would be better to withdraw the Papers now on the Table, and present written copies.

Earl Bathurst moved, that the House adjourn during pleasure.—Agreed to.