HL Deb 10 May 1830 vol 24 c499

The Earl of Malmesbury moved, that Mr. Gepp, the Deputy Acting Treasurer of the county of Essex, should be called in and examined with regard to his non-compliance with the order of the House for the production of certain returns of great importance, embracing items to the amount of 1,500,000l. The noble Earl stated, that the Returns in question had been ordered last Session; that since that time repeated applications had been made to Mr. Gepp for their production, to which he gave no answer, and that it was only within the last week, since he had given notice of his intention to enforce the orders of the House, that they had been produced.

[Mr. Gepp was accordingly called in, and having expressed his contrition for the delay which had occurred in the production of the returns, and having explained the circumstances which had occasioned it, he was suitably reprimanded by the Lord Chancellor, and ordered to be discharged.]