HL Deb 26 March 1830 vol 23 c919
The Earl of Limerick

presented a Petition from a beneficed clergyman of the Church of England, Isaac Nicholson, the Vicar of Great Paxton, Huntingdonshire, praying for the removal of all Civil Disabilities affecting the Jews on account of their religion. Such a Petition, said the noble Lord, was rather singular, coming from such a quarter; but though he did not concur with the Petitioner in his prayer, yet the rev. gentleman was so respectable that he could not but lay it before their Lordships. The Petitioner stated, that the Holy Scriptures were full of prophecies concerning the Jews, and he thought that the time was approaching when many of those prophecies were about to be fulfilled, and he thought the Legislature was bound to do every thing to promote their conversion to Christianity.