HL Deb 18 March 1830 vol 23 c475

Returns presented. Accounts of the Profit or Loss on the Trade of the East India Company between Europe and India, &c. during the last ten years:—Of the Sales of the East India Company from the year 1822, describing the Quantities and Qualities of the Teas:—Of the Rate of Freight per Ton paid by the Company from China, on the average, since 1822:—Of the Quantity of Tea exported by the Company from Canton since 1822:—and of the Expense of the Company's Establishment at Canton since 1822:—Of the Quantities of Wheat entered for Home Consumption under the Act Geo. IV. c. 60, with the amount of Duty.

Petitions we represented—By the Earl of SHAFTESBURY, from the Counties of Chester and Lancaster, against the East India Monopoly:—By Earl FITZWILLIAM, from the Borough of Malton, Yorkshire, praying for a revision of the Criminal Code:—By the Earl of FALMOUTH, from Truro, against inflicting the punishment of Death for Forgery:—By Lord KING, from Kingston-upon-Hull, against the infliction of Capital Punishment for offences against Property:—By Lord WHARNCLIFFE, from Selby, Yorkshire, against the East India Monopoly:—By the Earl of MORLEY from Plymouth, praying for a revision of the Criminal Code:— By the Marquis of BUTE, from Glasgow, against the East India Monopoly.

The Mutiny Bills, and the Pensions' Duties, &c. Bill, went through a Committee.