HL Deb 16 March 1830 vol 23 c365

The Twelve Millions Exchequer Bills' Bill and the Transfer in Aids' Bill were read a third time and passed.

The Mutiny Bills, and Personal Estates Duties' Bill, were brought up from the Commons by Sir ALEXANDER GRANT and others—Read a first time.

Petitions were presented against the East India Company's Charter:—by the Duke of GORDON, from the Merchants, Manufacturers, and other Inhabitants of Aberdeen:—by Lord WHARNCLIFFE, from Beeston and Churwell in Yorkshire. Complaining of Distress and praying for relief:—by the Earl of LIMERICK, from the Weavers of Limerick:—by Earl RADNOR, from Dunsley (Gloucestershire), and from certain Merchants, Manufacturers, and Tradesmen of London:—by Earl STANHOPE, from the Hundred of Launditch, Norfolk. Against the Bread and Beer Tax:—by Lord KING, from a district in Gloucestershire. Against the extension of Poor-laws to Ireland:—by the Earl of GLENGALL. from a place in Cavan. Against the Truck System:—by Lord CALTHOEPE, from the inhabitants of Darlaston; and against the Punishment of Death for Forgery:—by Earl BATHURST, from Cirencester.

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