§ Petitions presented. By Lord HOLLAND, from Chorlbury and its vicinity, and from the Baptist Congregation assembling in South-street, Exeter, against the Punishment of Death for Forgery. By the Duke of RICHMOND, from the Chymists and Druggists of Norwich, against the Patent Medicine Stamp Duty. By Lord CALTHORPE, against the Birmingham Free-School Bill. By the Marquis of LONDONDERRY, from the Inhabitants of Grantley, in the County of Salop, against the Punishment of Death for Forgery. By Earl GREY, from the Inhabitants of Clonmel, against any addition to the Duty on Spirits and Stamps in Ireland; and a similar Petition from another place in Ireland. By the Marquis of LANSDOWN, from certain Inhabitants of Dublin, against any increase of the Duty on Stamps; from the Chamber of Commerce at Manchester, against the Punishment of Death for Forgery; from the Directors of the Provincial Bank of Ireland, in Tralee, to the same effect; from the Landowners of the Queen's County, against any additional Duty on Irish Spirits; from several Parishes in the County of Cork, against any additional Duty on Spirits and Stamps in Ireland; from the same Parishes, against the Irish Vestry Act; from the Roman Catholic Inhabitants of the Parish of Skreen, County of Meath, for the Abolition of Tithes; from the High Sheriff and Inhabitants of the County of Kerry, against the Equalization of Taxes between England and Ireland; from the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, Bankers, Merchants, and Solicitors of Dublin, against any increase of Taxation, particularly with reference to Stamps; from Mr. Carden, 1346 explaining his Plan for the Formation of a National Cemetery, and praying their Lordships to take the subject into their serious consideration.
§ The Parishes general Lighting and Watching Bill was read a second time.
§ Witnesses were further Examined on the East Retford Disfranchisement Bill.