§ Bills. The Consolidated Fund Bill was brought up from the Commons. The Patents' Continuation Bill went through a Committee.
§ Lord TEYNHAM gave notice, that he would, on February 15th, bring in a Bill to authorise a Commutation of the Tithe on Hops.
§ Petitions presented. By Earl GREY, from Taunton, against the Assessed Taxes; from Rathdown, in Ireland, against the Grants to the Kildare-street Society; from Kingbridge, against the Duty on Coals carried Coastwise; from several places in Scotland, against the system of Burgh Election; and from an individual named Michael Sellers, against the Irish Bankrupt Laws. By the Karl of ROSSLYN, from Cupar, against Colonial Slavery. By Lord MELBOURNE, from George Cunning, praying for the abolition of the Poor-laws; and from Poole, praying for Parliamentary Reform. By Lord FARNHAM, from Alexander Barrett, for a Duty on imported Cotton; and from Sligo, against Colonial Slavery. By Earl STANHOPE, from Spalding, in Lincolnshire, for a repeal of the Duty upon Coals carried Coastwise; and from the journeymen Paper-makers of Somerset, praying that Machinery used in the; business of making paper, might be subjected to a Tax. By the Marquis of LANSDOWN, from Dysart, from the Incorporated Trades of Aberdeen, from the Inhabitants of Glasgow, from the Town Council of Glasgow, from the Incorporated Trades of Craig, from Stirling, and from other places in Scotland, in favour of Reform; from St. Nicholas, Galway, and from Kilkenny, against the Grants to the Kildare-street Society; and from the Jews of Liverpool, praying for a removal of the Disabilities affecting them; from Ardagh, praying for Employment at Public Works; and several Petitions from Scotland, against Slavery.