§ The Administration of Justice Bill was returned from the House of Commons, with their Lordships Amendments agreed to. The Colonial Acts Validity Bill was read a second time.
§ Petitions presented. By the Duke of WELLINGTON, from Hanley and Shelton, Staffordshire, against the Renewal of the East-India Company's Charter. By -the Duke of NORFOLK, the Marquis, of LANSDOWN, and the Earl of HADDINGTON, from various places, chiefly in Scotland, for the abolition of Slavery. For the repeal of the Coal Duties, by the Duke of NORTHUMBERLAND, from the Mayor, Aldermen, and Corporation of the Town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne:—By the Marquis of Bute, from Cardiff and Neck, in Wales. By the Earl of DARNLEY, from George Gunning, esq., for Reform in the administration of the Poor-laws.