§ The Consolidated Fund Bill was read a third time and passed.
§ Petitions presented. By Lord TEYNHAM, two from the Roman Catholic Inhabitants of Parishes in Mayo, praying for a better appropriation of the Parliamentary Grants voted for the Education of the people of Ireland; and from the Merchants, Tradesmen, and others, of the Counties of Middlesex and Surrey, for a parliamentary vote of waste Lands, in order to better the condition of the Poor. By the Earl of WINCHILSEA, from Cranbrook and Staplehurst, Kent, complaining of Distress, and praying for Parliamentary Reform. For the abolition of Negro Slavery, by the Earl of ROSEBERY, from Cumnock and Linlithgow:—By the Marquis of BUTE, from Dissenters at Cardiff and Great Yarmouth.