HL Deb 01 April 1830 vol 23 c1118

Returns Presented. Account of the weekly amount of Wheat purchased in the Markets of Liverpool and Manchester; with weekly Returns of Wheat from Lancaster, Preston, Wigan, and Warrington. Account of the number of Vessels which had passed the Sound during 1829.

Lord STANLEY, General GASCOYNE, Sir T. ACLAND, and Mr. BASTARD, brought up a Bill for amending the Liverpool Harbour and Pocks, together with several other Private Bills, to which the House of Commons had agreed; all of which were read a first time.

Petitions Presented. By the Earl of DERBY, from the Owners of Victualling Houses in Great and Little Bolton, Lancashire against any alteration in the Licensing System, By the same noble Lord, from the Protestant Dissenters of Hanover-street Chapel, Pall-mall Chapel, Cockspur-street Chapel, and twenty other Meeting-house Congregations in Liverpool, praying for the abolition of Burning of Widows in India, and other unchristian practices—By the Bishop of Chester, similar Petitions from Congregations of Dissenters at Rochdale and Bretherton. By Lord KING, against the Com Laws, from the inhabitants of Kidderminster. By Earl GOWER, from Newcastle-under-Lyme. and other places in Staffordshire, praying that the Trade to China, might be thrown open. By the same noble Lord, from Shelton, Burslem, and other places, for the abolition of Slavery. And by Lord HOLLAND, from Protestant Dissenting Congregations at Over-Darwen, Lancashire, against the Burning of Hindoo Widows; and also for throwing open the Trade to China.— Referred to the Committee on East-Indian affairs.

Returns Ordered. On the Motion of the Earl of MALMESBURY, of Commitments and Criminal Convictions, in the different counties of Ireland during the last seven years; and also of the different counties of Scotland.