HL Deb 14 June 1827 vol 17 c1302
The Marquis of Salisbury

moved the third reading of the bill for authorising the Sale of Game.

The Earl of Rosebery

did not rise to oppose the bill, though he thought their lordships had lately rejected a better bill; but to explain that, it would be of no use to extend its provisions to Scotland. In that country, there already existed a law, which authorised duly qualified persons to sell game.

The Earl of Winchilsea

opposed the bill, on the ground that it would grant facilities to poachers, and that it was unjust to limit the power of selling game to qualified individuals. He moved that it be read a third time that day three months.

Upon the question, "that this bill be now read a third time;" the numbers were: —Not-contents 32, Proxies 15; Total 47: Contents 31, Proxies 13; Total 44; Majority against the bill 3. Upon the second question, that the words "this day three months" be inserted, the numbers were:—Not-contents 54; Contents 38; Majority against the bill 16.