§ Lord Kenyon moved the second reading of this bill. His lordship explained, that the object of it was, to amend the Judicature in Wales.
§ Lord Cawdorwas unable to discover the principle of the bill. It introduced many anomalies, and he would therefore move, as an amendment, that the bill be read a second time that day six months, and that an humble address be presented to his majesty, praying him to grant a commission to inquire into the state of 1089 the tribunals of Wales. His lordship further objected to the bill, that it was opposed to the recommendation of the committee, and he, for one, would object to placing more power in the hands of the Welch judges until they were rendered more dignified in the eyes of the people.
§ Lord Redesdalesupported the bill. The object of it was the improvement of the administration of justice in Wales. There might he objections to some of the clauses, but the present was not the stage for discussing them.
§ Their lordships divided on the amendment: Contents 8: Not Contents 29. The bill was then read a second time.