HL Deb 10 April 1818 vol 37 cc1254-5
The Earl of Lauderdale

said, that after what had passed last night in another place, to which he conceived he was at perfect liberty to allude, he thought it necessary to advert to the motion of which he had given notice, respecting the currency of the country. The business to which he referred was intimately connected with the subject of his motion, and was of the greatest importance. Two measures, he understood, had been proposed; first, the continuing of the Bank restriction act; secondly, a regulation respecting the notes of country bankers. Both were measures which called for the serious consideration of their lordships; but the latter was, besides, an extraordinary innovation on the general principles on which banking establishments had hitherto been conducted, and one which, in his opinion, required the immediate attention of that House. Under these circumstances he had resolved not to postpone his motion, which would have for its object the paper currency, as well as the coinage, of the country. He should therefore bring it forward on Thursday.